Earthquake in Tottori
As you probably know there was an earthquake in Tottori prefecture in 6th Okt 2000. The center was in Sakaiminato-port (magnitude 6), just 130 km from Tottori town where I was (magnitude 4). My girlfriend, Miko was teaching in a secondary school in Aoya-Cho at that time. She experienced an earthquake 5 in magnitude although she was only 18 km from me... These pictures are scanned from a newspaper reporting the events.
This map shows the magnitude of the earthquake in different places. X= Tottori, X= Aoya-Cho where Miko was.
This is a mountain road somewhere in Tottori Prefecture. That little white car in the picture looks just like mine. :-( It is really surprising that there was no fatal excident at all in this earthquake.
Close up picture from a little pebble.
Most of the riversides in Japan are supported by concrete to avoid crumlbing. But for this one the protection was insufficient.
I am always told not to walk along a single wall when there is danger of earthquake. Now I really understood...
If you want to know more detail about this earthquake please visit the Tottori University home page.
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